Making a Difference
Green Fleet & Sustainability
Kernow is committed to taking actions that reduce our environmental impact. As a leader in the provision of Environmental Health and Immunisation Services, we are ideally placed in our industry to develop, lead and implement environmentally sustainable practice.
We recognise that climate change is a leading threat to public health and wellbeing. We know we have a role to play addressing the significant environmental challenges of today, and a responsibility to future generations. As sustainability best practice adapts and evolves, so do we. Kernow has developed a Sustainability Working group to help us better understand our environmental risks and drive environmental awareness and knowledge across our business and with our clients.
Kernow Kongratulates
Kernow Kongratulates is Kernow’s employee reward and recognition program. The purpose of the Kernow Kongratulates Program is to recognise and reward performance and or behaviour by staff members which reflects our Kernow Values and is otherwise “over and above” the expected level of performance/behaviour.
Nominations must be based on behaviour which role models the Kernow values. Winners are acknowledged monthly with a Grand Kernow Kongratulates winner announced on an annual basis.
The Kulture Klub
Kernow’s culture activities are driven by our Kulture Klub. Our Kulture Klub is made up of employee representatives from each Kernow site plus a representative from management. The Kulture Klub is responsible for organising Team Building events and other activities.
In the past, the Kulture Klub organised a Team Building event at the Escape Room in the CBD, a Christmas in July gathering to launch our refreshed Values, the mid-year team event was a corporate cooking challenge one year and in 2019 we went bowling!
Our Mid-Year Events were unable to be held during COVID restrictions, however online activities we run in lieu including online challenges and online dress up lunches.
In 2022 our Mid-Year Event was back with a vengeance. The teams spent the day at the Mystery Rooms in Fitzroy followed by Lunch at Easeys (a tram café positioned on top of a building in Collingwood) and some local beer gardens, and since then we weilded axes - a huge day at Lumberpunks hurling axes and being overly competitive finishing with drinks and meals at the Bells Hotel in South Melbourne. Awesome day!
Wellbeing Days
Cognisant of the impact of busy working lives and the important of employee wellbeing for overall engagement, Kernow launched its Employee Wellbeing Program in late 2019. The program was facilitated by the Kulture Klub. Kulture Klub members who consulted with their teams to determine team-based employee wellbeing initiatives.
Examples of Wellbeing activities being undertaken by the teams as part of this program include, mindfulness and yoga sessions, learning about organic farming techniques at an organic farm, and use of health-related Apps to encourage for example health eating and drinking. Wellness Days have been embraced and our staff have been enjoying days out at day spas, pottery classes and some epic treks!
Staff Wellness Program
Our People and Culture Strategy recognised the significant impact recent global events (COVID!) had on staff wellness. A key pillar of our Strategy was to therefore nurture our People and Culture. One initiative to achieve this is our offsite Wellness Days for staff.
The first of these days was held in April 2021 and sessions included Yoga and Meditation, Music Therapy, Bush Walking and a Health Eating / Cooking instruction by a Head Chef. These days provide opportunities for our staff to disconnect from the everyday to learn strategies to assist them with their personal wellbeing.
Kernow Legends
Kernow is proud of the fact that a considerable number of our staff have been with us for many years. The Kernow Legends Awards recognise significant service milestones of our staff both at the Mid-Year Event and our Christmas Party.
We recognise members of staff who have reached 5, 10, 15, 20 & in 2025, one member was 25 years of employment with Kernow. These milestones are recognised in a companywide presentation and through a recognition gifts
PICTURED ABOVE; Sam, Bec & winner Kylee. This year’s winner, Kylee has been with Kernow for 14 years and in that time has always been caring, friendly and willing to go to the extra mile for her work and colleagues. She is very well respected amongst all her Kernow family, taking on new opportunities and helping out wherever she is needed, particularly in Leadership roles.
Special mentions to Sam & Bec for their 2024 nomination for the Kernow Kongratulates Award.